Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday Morning TV

Youtube has a treasure trove of golden memories from my youth , here are some of my faves

Classic - The Phantom Agents

The Banana Splits

H.R Pufnstuff

Space 1999

*Had to love this comment on the page
ooooOOOO0000OOOOoooo (1 day ago)
Well 1999 came and went. Still no moonbase motherfuckers. I guess you were to busy fighting terrorists or some shit.


  1. We need a prog about Where's my moonbase? like that one 'Where's my robot?' that was on SBS.

    Asked round about decent places to rent but no avail. Good luck.

    Course if the tsunami hits we'll all be in the same boat tomorrow.

  2. Missed that robot show bugger lol
    Thanks for asking around , found half decent digs in the end


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