I keep meaning to do a story on this post I found , it's attached to my carport and I've been walking past it for the last 8 months thinking " I must do a post on that post "
So anyway last Christmas I was painting a house on the main beach at Pearl Beach and I spotted something in the surf , the waves that day were unusually big combined with a king tide.
Later on I looked out and spotted the object again on the beach right in front of where I was working , from what I could see it seemed to have been turned on a lathe , I sent the 2 young blokes I was working with down to retreive it next smoke break.
What they brought back was a 14 foot long post made of hardwood that had been turned on a lathe , it weighed a ton as it was still sodden with sea water. To me and the carpenter working next door it looked like an old verandah support post - a fancy one that would have been near 100 years old , another chippie reckoned it could have come from an Indonesian fishing boat as some of these craft have elaborate timberwork.
As I have painted many an old house I reckon it's Aussie and very old and probably washed down Hawkesbury river at some stage , then washed up on either Lion Island or the rocks between Patonga and Pearl Beach and sat there for ages until the high tides and surf dislodged it for it's final journey to Pearl Beach and then on my ute racks to my joint.
I arrived at this conclusion as there was no seaweed or things growing on it , so it it hadn't been in the drink for long.
So if you have lost a post or want this post then contact me , until then I have a dandy garden ornament !
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